About The Artist

The Artist

The imagination we cultivate and subsequently leave behind is one of the markers between the growing and the grown up. It is powerful and the only thing tending to diminish its strength is our own daily realities. So long go the days when the world is moldable to our perceptions. Instead we are told what to like, what to love, and what to hate.

When we are young the fiction and the non-fiction can blur their lines. As we grow up the lines become more defined, more separate. They become like magnets pushing away at each other when we try to bring them close. Characteristics of childhood-like wonderment, fascination, and curiosity influence my work. I employ humanistic emotions in animals and settings to lead viewers into surreal settings and interactions.

As a sculptural artist, I use many mediums to create my works. I enjoy involving wood as a classical craft and aesthetic device, as well as a medium and structural component. I also use clay, paint, wire, cloth, and metal in many of my works. Just as my material vocabulary is limitless, so is my inspiration. I find it in artists like Gaudi, Dali, and Banksy, in Authors ranging from Dr. Seuss to Hobbes, and in the daily mundane experiences of life. I aim to bring closer once again the lines of reality and imagined to cultivate wonder and intrigue in our daily experiences.

Winter 2022.

The Educator

The art classroom! Being welcomed back into the art classroom where I have always felt at home has been incredible. It has reaffirmed that the choice to switch careers is one I will look back on with pride. Art has always called to me. As a young person, art was something that I looked forward to each and every day. The opportunity to create and connect with others through different mediums was thrilling! I had multiple art teachers who to this day have had a lasting impact on my abilities and perceptions of an invested teacher. They were excellent role models for the position I now seek to occupy.

​They taught more than just art. They taught compassion for others, respect for myself, self advocacy for when I needed to ask for help, and most importantly they created a space where all were welcome. There was no question of if someone was good enough or skilled enough. It is through exploration and experimentation that we find our passions and build skills; artistically, socially, and emotionally. I am eager to bring these opportunities to others in the educational setting of the classroom. 

​From leading multiple teams in the service industry, to coaching the youth in rugby, volunteering for events, and now having a daughter of my own who needs guidance- teaching has always been within me. I am ecstatic to begin this journey and grow with my students.

Spring 2023.



M.Ed. Colorado State University 2023    

B.A. Colorado State University                      2016

A.A Front Range Community College 2013 


     2016    The Artery. B.A. Capstone Exhibition ‘Remnants &  Rebirth’. Fort Collins, CO

     2014   Colorado Room. Art and Music Fair.  Fort Collins, CO.

  2012    FRCC Student Art Exhibition. Fort Collins, CO.


     Vice President’s Purchase Award, FRCC. 2012.